Wellbeing for all ages and stages of life.

As a Certified Kinesio® Taping Practitioner Elite CKTP+ and Certified Kinesio® Taping Techniques Instructor, I use Kinesio® Tape for:

Muscle Facilitation and Inhibition – Strengthening weak muscles and releasing tight muscles which are causing pain and decreased range of motion and ability to function correctly. Muscle range of motion and strength is tested and the application of Kinesio® tape is used to rectify the muscle imbalance by neurofeedback messages to the brain and the muscles. This treatment is used throughout the world including the Olympics to improve the performance of muscles.

Non-Pharmaceutical Pain Management (Provides pain control free of chemical side effects) – After testing for pain messages and their origins, Kinesio® Tape is applied in a method dependant on the individual situation. Direction and tension of the taping is specific to the results of the testing

Post-Traumatic Physical Rehabilitation – The use of Kinesio® Tape is a gentle solution to traumatic injuries. The tape is applied very lightly and allows the neurofeedback model to gently support and change the area of injury. Each taping is teasted on the client to ensure increased pain relief and improved range of motion